
About Me

So who am I and why am I writing in a blog?

It's simple really. There aren't enough people blogging and micro blogging about everything from their newest business ventures to how crappy their jobs are. Better still, we need more people letting us know exactly when they took a shower and what products they used.

Mix all that with a very large grain of sarcasm, the time it's taken you to read this and realize I've managed to avoid answering the question by trying to sound jaded and (hopefully) pithy.

The truth is, I'm a writer. Scratch that, I want to be a writer. Positive thinking is a wonderful tool but so is truth. Until I at least finish a novel and attempt to get it published I will not presume to call myself an Author. In the pursuit of becoming an author of horror, sci-fi and fantasy, I draw huge amounts of inspiration from people like Neil Gaiman, Mur Lafferty, Scott Sigler, Kim Harrison, J.C. Hutchins, and Tee Morris,  to name a very few.

This blog is meant to be a centralized location as I create content for distribution, or consumption (more about my views of consumption in a future post), depending how you look at it. A blog linking to other blogs I'm going to be starting which will actually contain stories and hopefully novels. It's all a grand plan, now for the follow though.

For now, this is all I have. More will follow.

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